Major site upgrade on the way.

8 October 2009

Apologies for the lack of articles in the last week or so, but I've been hard at work on giving Nana's Paradox a pretty major overhaul. The site is rapidly outgrowing Blogger and so I'm doing something about it now rather than wait until a point where it's beyond managing.

You can check out the WIP at the new domain and please do let me know what you think so far.

I'm also very interested in getting some other interested writers on board for the new site so if you have an interest in games and writing drop me a line.


Left 4 Dead 2 has new 'Versus' game mode.

Left 4 Dead 2 Scavenge ModeLast night Valve unveiled a new Versus mode called 'Scavenge' which will be included in the upcoming Left 4 Dead 2. The new mode has been designed to provide "quicker, even more frantic game play" than Left 4 Dead's current vanilla Versus mode according to Valve.

The new mode still pits a team of survivors against a team of infected, but in this mode the survivors need to acquire 16 cans of gasoline which are dotted around the maps to power up a generator. The opposing team of infected have to stop the survivors and/or destroy the cans of gasoline.

The game mode lasts for 3 rounds and the winners are the team who collected the most cans of gasoline. In the event of a tie, the winner is the team which acquired the cans in the quickest time. Each round is timed and collecting a gasoline can adds 20 seconds onto the clock.

Dispensing a can of gasoline into a generator takes about the same amount of time that it takes to heal a team mate and early reports indicate that generators camping by the infected team is a sound (perhaps frustrating?) tactic. The new Spitter infected is also highly valuable on this map as he can make gasoline cans explode in a Survivors arms with a well timed shot.

Left 4 Dead 2

Survivors can also shoot gas cans but this isn't a total disaster as they do respawn if destroyed.

So far the mode seems to offer extremely quick and frantic game play which requires quite a different kind of strategy to the current Versus offering and I'm very much looking forward to trying this mode come November.


(Xbox 360) Cave to test overseas interest - Mushihimesama Futari 1.5 will be region free.

1 October 2009

Mushihimesama Futari for 360
Japanese manic shooter specialist Cave has announced that their upcoming shooter Mushihime-sama Futari Version 1.5 will be released region free on the Xbox 360.

The move follows extensive requests from Cave fans globally who miss out on many of Caves conversions due to the titles being region locked and a lack of publishers outside of Japan interested in localizing the games.

The game will be released in Japan on November 26th and you can pre-order your copy from Play Asia right now.

If enough people pre-order the game, there’s a good chance Cave may re-consider their region locking policy permanently (ESPGaluda II anyone?) and it’s even possible we may also see region free re-releases of games such as Death Smiles and DDP DOJ.

Mushi will be region free.

Alongside the regular release there will also be a limited edition which will include the OST and you will also be able to buy a limited edition Arcade Stick if you’re feeling particularly flush!
Mushihimesama Arcade Stick

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Review: Zombie Apocalypse (360/PS3).

30 September 2009

More zooombiees!
Zombie Apocalypse is a twin stock shooter similar in play to the classic arcade game Smash TV; except instead of a game show you are stuck in the middle of gaming’s latest love affair: a zombie outbreak.

Indeed if you’d never seen the game before but imagined Smash TV with a Left 4 Dead style, you’d pretty much nail exactly what Konami’s Zombie Apocalypse is about and looks like in one foul swoop.

The game can be played solo or co-operatively with up to 4 players (either locally or over your respective network), although be warned that its wise to pick and choose your networked games carefully if you are not the host; lag is very noticeable and ultimately deadly in the fast paced world of Zombie Apocalypse.

You start the day by picking one of 4 characters; Zoey, Bill, Francis or Louis. Ok, ok that’s not quite true but it could be as the 4 characters and much of the games style are clearly influenced by Valves brilliant FPS.

The basic premise of the game is to survive through 55 nights of the Zombie Apocalypse. The 55 nights take place in 7 different locations; each filled with a variety of hazards which can be used to despatch the undead horde in conjunction with your 11 weapon pick ups.

The hazards vary from garbage shredders to helicopter blades and fireworks shops; and all of them reduce the zombies to even larger piles of bloody mess than your standard weapon load out. The only downside to these attractions is that the action is so fast and frantic you rarely get time to really appreciate the carnage they cause.

As you progress through the game you will eventually open up an additional 7 game modes to put your zombie killing skills to the test. My favourite of these modes was Turbo (which unsurprisingly speeds up the action somewhat) and 7 Days of Hell which essentially just continuously throws thousands of zombies at you until you either kill them all or your thumbs bleed.

Zombie Apocalypse is a fun game and well worth the cost (800 MS points and £7.99 on PSN) if you are a fan of arcade shooters and provided you accept that what’s on offer is nothing new.

There are better twin stick shooters and for some people the amount of zombie games is becoming a bit tiring. Me? I’m still not quite done with the undead just yet and I’m thoroughly enjoying Konami’s zombie blaster despite its unoriginality.


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Crash Course suffers Crash Landing.

Left 4 Dead Crash Course
Left 4 Dead’s latest update Crash Course arrived yesterday, but despite Valve’s best efforts it seems to have plagued the game with numerous issues.

Servers went missing, many users were reporting pings in excess of 500 and the achievements don’t seem to be working very well either, with many either not activating or disappearing after they have been earnt. The map itself also has its fair share of bugs.

Valve also decided eradicate the server variable mp_gamemode and replace it with sv_gametype. This change alone managed to break a fair few servers (including our own 22g servers – the change managed to completely bork our campaign menu).

All this is a real shame because at its core the Crash Course campaign is a great piece of mapping and does provide an ideal 30 minute Versus environment.

Still I’m sure Valve is working on it and I’m looking forward to playing with some more once the various issues are ironed out.

And don’t forget until October the 2nd you can grab the PC edition of Left 4 Dead from Steam for half the normal price (£12.49), or even grab four copies for £37.49 if your mates need a bit of encouragement to join you!

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Sex, Women and Video Games: what does it all say about us?

29 September 2009

Alison Carroll modelling as Lara Croft.
I’ve just driven recklessly through the city streets with the Police hot on my tail, but finally it seems I’ve lost them. I can no longer hear the wail of their sirens and in the top of my screen I can see the stars flashing as my wanted level disappears.

My health is low but I’ve no need to panic; the street I’m now cruising down is known for its prostitutes and my ride is certainly hot enough to attract them over.

A minute later and I’m parked under a large billboard in one of the darker areas of the neighbourhood. The working woman clambers out from her seat and over to mine. She begins to pleasure my character and once she’s finished I pay her; albeit automatically and represented only by my on screen funds depleting.

Her work done, she gets out of the car and starts to walk off in search of more custom. But I don’t want to pay for my health boost. I pull out my gun and shoot her before picking up my money from her blood stained corpse.

The game is of course Grand Theft Auto IV and it certainly stands up as one of the most interesting examples of how both sex and women can be treated in the digital world of video games.

What’s particularly interesting about this scenario is I don’t have the option to not pay the working girl for her services and I can’t rob her either; the only way I can get my money back from her is to violently murder her.

Prostitutes first appeared in the GTA series of games in 2001 when the series made its transition to 3 dimensions. The game was deservedly a smash hit but came under intense criticism from many (primarily non-gamer) institutions because of its violent content. By far the number one compliant was the ability empowered to the player to kill prostitutes.

You are not required to kill the prostitutes and indeed nothing in the game prompts you too either. But whilst the game may not deliberately draw your attention to this kind of behaviour, you are rewarded for this action.

I do find it rather disturbing at the sheer volume of videos and articles you can find about prostitute killing in the GTA games.

Try Googling about the subject and then take a quick look at some of the links available:

“GTA IV prostitutes: How do you kill yours?”

“Where can I kill prostitutes in GTA IV?”

Clearly there are a demographic out there who not only want to participate in the act but find it so entertaining that they spend significant additional time finding new and improved ways to kill them. And of course, make videos to broadcast their achievements.

This raises many interesting questions, not least of which is whether there is, or even can be, morality in this completely virtual environment? It’s is after all a game; no actual person is harmed in any way, unless of course you want to factor in the potential mind of the gamer who is playing.

Now I’m not writing here to condemn; but I am interested in what this type of action says about us as gamers. Picture for a moment the following scenario:

You’re playing GTA IV as per my opening example. Except this time you are giving a detailed, no holds barred running commentary to your Mother. Would you feel comfortable? And do you think she would feel negatively about you or indifferent?

Sex and violence in video games is nothing new although it is an area which (at least in terms of the combination of the two) is touched upon very rarely. One of the earliest and perhaps most well known examples occurs in the Atari 2600 game Custer’s Revenge.

The Cover Art for Custer's Revenge.

Custers Revenge Cover Art

Released in 1982 by Mystique, Custer’s Revenge places you in control of a Wild West era General wearing only a hat, bandana and boots. Custer has an oversized appendage which is visibly erect and his goal is to avoid incoming arrows and make it across the screen to where a naked Native American woman (named ‘Revenge’) is tied to a crude wooden pole.

Once there successfully, the General proceeds to rape her and the action starts all over again only with increased difficulty. At its release and to this present day, the game was universally panned both for being poor and for the nature of its content (and rightly so), but is this crude depiction of the rape of a woman actually any worse than the murder of one that sells sex?

The graphics are not as crude as the gameplay premise.

Custers Revenge Gameplay Screenshot

Within the world of GTA IV, the act of sex and violence is not the primary feature of the game playing experience, unlike a game like Custer’s Revenge. But at the same time would we accept GTA IV had we been given the option not to pay the working girl? Is her murder really considered more acceptable than taking the health boost by force? It seems in this instance at least, gamers are saying yes.

Sex within games is not always portrayed violently; but the manner in which it’s commonly used is perhaps questionable. We all know the common term ‘sex sells’ and there’s no doubt this is true, but within the world video games (and more so I would suggest than any other medium) it should perhaps be changed to ‘scantily clad women sell games’.

This is partly based on the long held assumption that most gamers are male despite the fact that recent statistics show that round 30% of all gamers are now female. I suspect it is also due to the high proportion of male developers in the industry but that is somewhat speculative on my part.

My first memories of sex being used to sell games came at quite a young age when I first saw the advert for a game called Barbarian (known as Death Sword in the USA). The game was a one on one fighting game where players fought with swords and despite a lack of rating or any content warning, you could also decapitate the enemy player.

The cover and advertising for the game used well known Page 3 and adult magazine star Maria Whittaker dressed in an extremely skimpy bikini. I’d be lying if I said at the time the advertising alone didn’t make me want the game! Thankfully it was for its time a rather fine game despite the controversy.

Maria Whittaker stars on the cover of Barbarian.

Maria Whittaker stars on the cover of Barbarian.

I was not so lucky with my second experience however. Dinamic’s Game Over was a shooter released for a number of 8-bit computers by Imagine. The cover art was by Oliver Frey (well known for his superb artwork that adorned magazines of the day such as Zzap! 64 and Crash) and featured a scantily clad woman whose nipple was exposed.

The game wasn’t that great but the controversy surrounding it however made me want it. This rather tame image (at least by today’s standards) caused so much of an uproar that Frey had to redo the image to remove the offending nipple and even then some retailers placed stickers over that area on the box.

Game Over's controversial nipple.

The Game Over Nipple.

Back then gaming probably was dominated far more by those of the male gender but despite the increase in female gamers, the portrayal of scantily clad women has risen significantly and not just in the advertising.

Female games characters are now commonly portrayed in scant clothing, with visible knickers and large bouncing busts; Tecmo’s Dead or Alive games perhaps the perfect example.

Indeed their upcoming Playstation 3 game Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 features a female player controlled character where you can shake the SIXAXIS controller to move her breasts and the video advertising released for the game showcases this feature prominently.

Shake, shake - shake, shake it baby!

Player controlled boobs - the future?

Whilst even at 33 I’m as partial to sexy characters as the next man; I’m not really sure I want my partner watching me play a game where I can move the females breasts with my joypad. I mean, what image of myself would I be portraying by engaging in such a pointless act? Are male gamers and developers really that sexually frustrated? And if they are, wouldn’t pornography be more fulfilling?

These days there are a fair few games which feature female heroines; a situation predominantly inspired by the commercial success of Core Design’s Tomb Raider.

Originally released in 1996 for the Sega Saturn and then shortly afterwards for the Sony Playstation and PC; Tomb Raider was a 3D adventure game starring female adventurer Lara Croft.

Lara Croft is best described as the female equivalent of Indiana Jones. Strong, agile and beautiful, Lara is a character who was originally designed to appeal to both male and female gamers alike. During Tomb Raiders final design, Lara’s assets (ok, ok, her breasts) were due to be enhanced by 150% to emphasise her femininity. Apparently a ‘slip of the mouse’ occurred and this figure increased to 250%, something that the original designer Toby Gard later expressed some disdain.

Tomb Raider was a great game and huge hit and Lara with her ‘extended’ assets became a cultural icon. Numerous sequels followed, two movies were made and Lara even had her own official models. The most famous of these models was Nell McAndrew who was famously sacked after posing naked in Playboy magazine as Lara without the permission of Eidos.

Despite Lara’s appeal to some female gamers as a strong female character; many felt that her breasts were just too big and finally in 2005 the developers reduced the size from DD cup to a rather more modest C.

Such was the impact of Lara in popular culture, the story made The Times newspaper and the whole issue still managed to upset some female groups. “It doesn’t make it easier to be a girl in today’s culture,” Deanne Jade, principal of The National Centre of Eating Disorders, said. “Why don’t they make her podgy?”

At the time Matt Gorman (brand manager for Tomb Raider) was quoted as saying “The days of selling Lara as boobs and guns are over.” Somehow though I doubt that’s completely true; perhaps what he really meant is that they will start to try and make decent Tomb Raider games again (which to be fair, I guess they did).

Whilst few, there are some examples of developers trying to maturely portray sex within video games. Take for example Mass Effect, which features a consensual sex scene as part of the main characters development. It’s handled maturely and integrated perfectly into the story rather than simply being a rather degenerate sideshow like the one which can be found in Sony’s God of War.

Despite its mature handling, the scene in Mass Effect still caused an absolute flood of media uproar. This was largely due to the significant distortion of the facts being reported on popular news channels and these themselves were caused largely by Kevin McCullough’s accusations that the game allowed virtual rape with people and species of all genders.

It makes you wonder why games developers even bother trying to tackle sex within games at all given this kind of negative press although in a rather bizarre twist, noted game hater Jack Thompson actually ended up defending Mass Effect at the time. Tis' truly a funny world.

Are the majority of these reactions are caused by gaming’s prior offerings, be it the infamous Hot Coffee mod for Vice City or the prostitute killing in GTA IV? Or is it more how these offerings are presented to us; after all I don’t recall much outrage when Leisure Suit Larry first released despite the highly sexual content. Maybe games simply need to be more upfront about the content.

Would Hot Coffee have been more universally acceptable if it wasn't sneaked in?

GTA Got Coffee Mod.

Whilst gaming as a media format is now advanced enough to tackle sex in a mature manner; it is perhaps us the gamers that hinder its development.

Scantily clad women with large breasts do seem to make many of us more likely to buy games as does any mention of something controversial; and whilst this trend continues I believe it will always be difficult for developers to get a more realistic design and approach to sex and sexual themes accepted by the majority.

Using Lesbians to sell a game? Not according to the developer; these are just two women who chose to become lovers. Erm...

Fear Effect 2 Warning: contains Lesbians.

What worries me is the message we also send out about ourselves and our hobby due to the nature of some of this content. Where exactly are the boundaries? Why are we happy to kill a sex worker but not to display an act of love in an intimate fashion?

Heavy Rain will be the next big hitter to try and tackle sex in an adult manner but whilst I wish it luck I can’t help but think it’s doomed to fail in this respect, at least where the non-gamer is concerned.

Ultimately games need more sex and less sexual violence; but in a pastime that thrives on competition and destruction perhaps there really isn’t really any room for love.

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Review: Halo 3 ODST (360).

25 September 2009

Halo 3 ODST
Bungie’s latest offering from the Halo universe is finally with us; dropping in it seems to a tidal wave of both hype and criticism. Any new Halo game is bound to cause a commotion amongst the fans but this time the critics are also making their voices heard, pointing primarily towards the high price and relatively short campaign on offer. So what’s the truth behind Halo 3: ODST and is it worth the full price Microsoft is asking?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of years, I’m sure you’re well aware of the basic premise of ODST. Originally planned as an expansion pack for Halo 3 (called Recon), ODST follows the story of a squad of Orbital Shock Drop Troopers who are deployed on a mission to assault a Covenant Assault Carrier which is attacking New Mombasa.

The troopers unfortunately make their combat drop just as the Covenant carrier jumps into slipspace (during events which also occurred in Halo 2 where the Master Chief and Keyes follow the Covenant carrier into slipspace aboard the In Amber Clad) and the resulting shockwave scatters the ODST’s pods all over New Mombasa.

You initially control The Rookie approximately six hours after the failed drop. Having obviously been unconscious and trapped in your pod for some time, you set about trying to track down your ODST squad mates.

The city in which the Rookie finds himself searching essentially acts as a kind of hub world to the main levels which are are based around actions already undertaken by the other ODST’s in the previous 6 hours (whom you play in the retelling of these events).

Having been used to the extremely linear worlds of the previous Halo games; I initially found the city hub somewhat off putting, but once I got used to the concept and to using the map (another Halo first) downloaded to your visor, it actually proved to be a great way to deliver this story and shows just how willing Bungie are to try new things even though they already had a winning formula.

It’s interesting how you grow increasing empathy towards the Rookie too, as you realise that so much has occurred during the 6 hours he’s been out of it.

His story is deliberately pitched in such a way that you’ll feel more and more isolated playing the Rookie the more you progress; its as though the battles have already been fought and now your left here alone, wandering the streets at night trying to avoid the Covenant and stay alive. This is an extremely powerful story telling mechanic and is one of the things I liked best about the game.

Of course the biggest revelation originally about this game was the lack of any appearence by Master Chief himself. You are no longer cast as the all powerful super Spartan but are instead very much human, albeit a highly trained one. From the players perspective this changes several game play traits; you can’t jump as high, you no longer have a rechargeable shield and you can no longer dual wield.

These changes essentially mean you are much frailer than the Master Chief and a more restrained approach has to be taken when in combat. Charge in to a pack of Covenant on your own and the chances are you won’t be returning victorious. Instead you need to think about your approach; evaluate each situation independently and decide either the best way to take out your foes or perhaps even sneak around them.

Again this style of play is quite a departure from the previous Halo games, and yet whilst it is slightly different it still retains the essence of the Halo experience. In some ways this is Bungies greatest triumph; because this transfer of responsibility not only shows us as players just how much more there is to this world than the Chief himself, but also how flexible this universe they have created can be.

The graphics have not improved a great deal since Halo 3 and the facial details in particular stand out as dated; particularly ‘Dare’ who I’m sure must have been modelled on Rene Russo having a bad make up day. The skyscapes have improved however and certainly the night time vistas add some weighty ambience.

Clocking in at around 6 hours ODST’s campaign is a lot of fun from start to finish, and fans of the Halo universe will only be disappointed when it ends.

ODST also ships with two other key game modes; the traditional Halo multiplayer (which comes on a separate disc and as well as few new maps also includes all of the previous Halo 3 DLC) and Firefight.

Sgt Johnson in Firefight

The majority of you will already know what to expect from the traditional multiplayer and in truth there is little new here worth evaluating. What is new however is Firefight, a new co-operative game mode similar to the Horde mode in Gears of War 2 and Left 4 Dead's Survival mode.

Firefight places you and 3 other players against ever increasing numbers of Covenant. Players share a stock of lives and each round introduces new challenges as the enemy waves become bigger and gain advantages through the activation of various skulls. The Firefight levels are large and offer a pure Halo combat experience; with four friends this mode is an absolute blast!

Firefight's biggest downfall is its lack of online matchmaking; and if you lack a large online friends list or often game at different times to all your mates then grabbing a game may be difficult which is shame as the mode is such good fun.

Its very hard to rate Halo: ODST; the score in many ways depends greatly on several factors, but specifically how big a Halo fan you are, how many of your friends are available when you play Firefight (or even if you intend to play multiplayer at all) and of course the price you paid for the game (there are however stores online where you can secure up to a 25% discount on the RRP).

With a retail of £39.99 here in the UK ($60 USA), ODST commands the price of a full price game when in reality it doesn’t offer the hours you’d expect from a title priced in this bracket, especially if you are only buying for the single player experience. There’s no doubting the quality of the overall package; what’s here is highly playable and genuinely adds to the Halo universe rather than damaging it.

But I just can’t justify the price; ODST needs to retail for about £10 less to make it anywhere near good value. Bungie have not helped themselves by originally announcing this title as an expansion pack because in essence they’ve told us exactly what ODST is before trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

And that’s a great shame because Halo 3: OSDT deserves to shine for its great game play and the brave new direction Bungie have taken the Halo franchise too, but I can’t help but feeling too many people will feel bitter about the pricing and this is reflected in the score.


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What happens when games characters come to life?

21 September 2009

The latest movie from Seakitten Collective (who also made the superb LittleBigRevenge) explores what would happen if video games characters come to life in Cloverfield style.

Featuring some stunning video editing and a roster of characters from games such as Left 4 Dead and Smash Brawl, this really is a must watch movie for all gaming fans. Enjoy!

Hit the jump for part 2.

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Left 4 Dead scary? It is now!

This latest Left 4 Dead mod is almost too brilliant for words. Thanks to modder flameknight7, the Teletubbies have invaded Left 4 Dead and believe me; no zombie will make you jump as much as one of these rabid monsters!

You can grab the mod over at; just make sure you avoid CBeebies afterwards!

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Health risks in adults linked to Gaming.

18 September 2009

Study confirms gaming is bad for you.
The October 2009 edition of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine has published an article which claims tests have shown that there are "measurable correlations" between playing video games and increased health risks.

Participants from the Seattle–Tacoma area (claimed to be the 13th biggest media market in the USA and the nation’s largest user of the internet) provided details to the researchers on their gaming and lifestyle habits which included “self-assessments of depression, personality, health status, physical and mental health, body mass index (BMI), and poor quality of life.”

45.1% of those that took part in the study were gamers. According to the research, female gamers were more likely to be depressed than those that did not participate in the hobby. Male gamers were reported to have a higher BMI than those that did not play games. Both sexes of gamers also reported a higher reliance on the internet for social support.

Dr. James B Weaver III (PhD, MPH, National Center for Health Marketing, CDC, Atlanta) stated in the article:

“As hypothesized, health-risk factors – specifically, a higher BMI and a greater number of poor mental-health days – differentiated adult video-game players from non-players. Video-game players also reported lower extraversion, consistent with research on adolescents that linked video-game playing to a sedentary lifestyle and overweight status, and to mental-health concerns.

Internet community support and time spent online distinguished adult video-game players from non-players, a finding consistent with prior research pointing to the willingness of adult video-game enthusiasts to sacrifice real-world social activities to play video games. The data illustrate the need for further research among adults to clarify how to use digital opportunities more effectively to promote health and prevent disease."

You can read more about the study at Science Daily but the question remains; are we all really harming ourselves by participating in our hobby? Let me know your thoughts; in the meantime I’m off to discuss this with my friends on Facebook…

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Konami's Zombie Apocalypse lands on XBLA and PSN next week.

Zombie Apocalypse
If there are two things we like here at Paradox; its shooters and Zombies! So the news that Konami's twin stick shooter Zombie Apocalypse hits both PSN and XBLA next week (September 23rd) has left us scurrying for our wallets in anticipation of yet more undead extermination.

Developed by Nihilistic, the overhead twin stick shooter (yes, another one!) promises plenty of frantic action in what looks to be Left 4 Dead meets Smash TV, and lets face it, how can that be anything other than great!

The game will be priced at 800 MS points and £7.99 on PSN ($9.99 for US customers) and can be played by up to four players.

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Left 4 Dead: Counter Strike favourite Dust 2 arrives in some style.

17 September 2009

Left 4 Dead Dust 2 Poster
Counter Strike map favourite Dust 2 has now been ported over to Left for Dead by talented community mapper Sin. Other mapper's have already tried to port Dust 2 over to Left 4 Dead, but none have been as successful as this stunning effort.

The map is currently at beta 4.1 but it’s fully playable and is designed for Survival mode although a Versus release is also in the works.

You can download the map by heading over to Sin has also released a conversion of Aztec following a large number of community requests.

More pictures after the jump.

L4D Dust 2

Left 4 Dead CSS Map


Left 4 Dead Counter Strike Map

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PS3's new motion controller will make Wii ports possible.

Sony PS3 Motion Control
According to Capcom producer Jun Takeuchi, developers in Japan are extremely impressed with Sony's new motion controller; so much so that they feel it will be quite easy to port over existing titles from Nintendo's Wii.

This could mean that come the launch of the new controller, we will see an influx of Wii ports to the PS3. Of course this could be a double edged sword for Sony; on the one hand they will gain an extended software library and be able to boast that there’s no longer anything unique about the Wii.

However does Sony really want a load of ports from the Wii which potentially could have sub-standard graphics even if they are spruced up? And is there really anything that good on the Wii (motion control wise) that doesn't come from Nintendo itself?

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Has the Wii doomed Nintendo’s next console to failure?

16 September 2009

Is Wii 2 doomed to fail?
At the time of writing there is little doubt that the Nintendo Wii leads the current generation of home consoles in terms of hardware sales by some margin.

The console sits comfortably in its lofty throne; peering down on the ongoing tit for tat battle between Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Sony’s Playstation 3, its competitors almost dismissive of its success and perhaps already resigned to achieving no more than second place.

But whilst Nintendo’s current position on the console summit may have originally been unexpected and somewhat unprecedented; have the company scored an own goal in the long term? Could the success of the Wii actually doom its future successor to obscurity?

The Wii launched to a flurry of publicity; not just from the gaming press as you would normally expect, but from virtually every major news outlet. Nintendo’s simplistic design concept combined with the ‘innovation’ of motion control with the Wiimote captured everybody’s attention, not just seasoned gamers.

The coup de grace was of course Wii Sports, a game which perfectly demonstrated what the system was about in a way everyone (and most importantly non-gamers) could understand. Even Grandma could understand the concept of “It’s Tennis and I just swing the wand thing like a racket to play” and suddenly Nintendo had overcome the daunting prospect of getting to grips with a foreign looking controller full of buttons with devastating effect.

The Wii became more than just a console; it became a lifestyle accessory in the same manner as Apple’s ever successful iPod. Surely with such success, such a high profile image, any successor should stand a high chance of success?

However things may not be as clear cut as they seem.

The consoles attach rate (the average amount of games purchased per console owned) has been lower than that of the Xbox 360 (which has a lower installed user base) for some time, and has recently also been overtaken by the PS3 (whose user base is also currently lower).

There could be many reasons for this; for example, could it be that the Wii’s assumed large casual gamer user base simply does not like to game as often as the more traditional console buyer? Or is it something else? Does in fact the novelty factor of the Wii wear off?

Consider for a moment the people you immediately know:

The seasoned gamers – these are the people who most likely own both a Wii and another platform; whether it’s the 360 or PS3 or perhaps even a gaming capable PC. How often do they use their Wii? Do they use it as much as their other system?

The casual/new gamers (delete as applicable) – these are the people who in the past have not really been into games, typically a family and they perhaps owned a Playstation once. How often is their Wii used?

You see in my experience, the majority of people simply do not use their Wii, or at least they don’t use it very much. It sits there stylishly on display by the TV, its white exterior stealthily hiding the dust that’s gathering. It comes out to play when guests visit and typically its Wii Sports that spinning in its drive whilst the guests ‘ooh’ and ‘ah’ at how clever it is.

These people buy a few games here and there but find little, if anything, that truly recaptures that feeling of playing Wii Sports for the first time. This unfortunate path is not helped by the sheer volume of titles available on the Wii; far too much of it shovel ware that hides the few gems.

Even the true gamers I know rarely play their Wii; sure they will play the traditional classics such as Super Mario, Mario Kart and Zelda but for the most part their too busy playing Call of Duty 4, Halo or GTA online on their other platform of choice.

Wii Fit in many ways echoes everything that’s good and bad about the Wii. A great lifestyle idea which captured the attention of masses; again brilliantly marketed and with the sales figures to match. But yet again few people I know ever use it, it’s become a thing of novelty which people love to talk about but simply don’t use.

And this is where the problem lies for the Wii’s eventual successor. How do you get people to pay for a ‘novelty’ twice? Will people really see a future Nintendo console as innovative and a must have machine or the follow up to that smart little machine under the TV that we hardly ever use?

Will the kids who’ve grown up with the Wii want more of the same now their older or will they want to progress away from ‘My First Console’ onto something perceived as more gamer orientated like the Playstation and Xbox?

The Wii may dominate now but its future successor’s fate is far from assured. The very image that Nintendo has created and gained so much success for with the Wii may very well be the reason that any successor will be doomed to obscurity.

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Mario invades Left 4 Dead in Mushroom Massacre.

15 September 2009

Left 4 Dead Mario Map
I guess it was inevitable given the various amount of Mario styled maps fans already make for other games; but somehow seeing Valve's undead horde wandering through the Mushroom Kingdom (Super Mario 64) is rather unsettling!

Currently 25% complete, you can follow the progress of Mushroom Massacre on The first part of the campaign is already there for you to download along with full installation instructions.

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Playing the greatest adventure of all.

14 September 2009

It’s late Sunday morning. The better half is at work on a training day, the dog has been fed and is now lazily mooching round the garden looking for sticks and bugs to eat. I’ve successfully handled the kids breakfast without incident and the youngest (Lily, who’s just over a year old) has been changed and dressed.

The eldest of the two children who are here today (there can be up to 4 some weekends!) is unbelievably sitting quietly and playing with her sibling. The madness that is the morning is over and the television is unusually free.

As I sit down in the armchair I quickly do a final scan of the room; it’s still calm, the jobs really are done and the TV really is available. Opportunities like this don’t come along often so I pick up the SIXAXIS pad and turn on our Playstation 3.

Half an hour later and I’m standing up, SIXAXIS in hand and Super Stardust HD on pause. I ‘save’ Lily from the precipice that is the edge of the sofa from which she is about to dive off head first. Had Epyx still been around, she’d be in their next game! The lights of her all singing all flashing walker catch her attention and off she toddles.

I un-pause the game and narrowly avoid the incoming enemy I had forgotten about in the meantime. Games like Stardust don’t allow you much time to readjust but somehow I’m still alive; and after a frantic few seconds re-acquainting myself with my environment I’m in my rhythm again.

Hundreds of rocks are exploding from my barrage of fire and the enemies, although increasing in number are not faring any better.

Somehow I manage to keep it going, half of my brain managing to direct my fire with delicate accuracy whilst all the time the other half uses part of my vision and aural capabilities to monitor Lily’s playtime.

Having failed to base jump from the sofa and then destroy the walker, Lily converts to Solid Snake mode and makes here way over to the chest of drawers. She thinks I don’t notice; failing to realise she lacks a cardboard box and that I have deliberately positioned myself where I can see both the television and the entirety of the room.

As she approaches the drawers I hit boost in an effort to find some clear space among the ever increasing field of debris and get ready to hit pause for the 6th time.

But she gets there quicker than I anticipated. Perhaps realising a guard lay in wait, her speed increases and before I know it she’s there and the drawer begins to open. There’s nothing dangerous in there of course but like most parents I worry about the possibility of trapped fingers and the household documents that are about to be shredded or hidden by this master infiltrator.

I leap to my right and my rescue attempt is successful but unfortunately my reactions are not so quick this time with the pause button. A split second is all some enemies need; and this one has used the split second respite from my onslaught to smash my ship into a million virtual particles of light whilst I save the Princess in my other ‘game’.

One spare ship remains. But as my third sight pauses to evaluate what turns out to be another non-danger event, that comfort zone erodes and The Last Starfighter enters battle.

The unexpected timing of his predecessors fates combined with my own style of play means that this last warrior has a rather ample stock of smart bombs. I’ve racked up a fair score by my own standards and whilst I’ll never challenge for the top spot on the global leaderboards; the top spot from my friends list is within reach.

The last fighter is good,very good. With the kind of determination and luck only a last fighter seems to possess, he’s laying waste to all in his path with a devastating efficiency. The bombs are not only still intact, they’ve been added to whilst the score is rapidly rising.

A swarm of homing type enemies surrounds the ship, confident in the number of their ranks. The circle they have formed quickly tightens; slowly strangling the limited space my fighter has to manoeuvre. But I’m ready for this, in fact I’d been waiting for it, and my finger hovers over the right trigger ready to unleash the most devastating item in my arsenal – the smart bomb.

I’m calm and in sync with the game despite my permanent observations elsewhere. I don’t panic, but instead let the enemy draw closer so I can ensure the imminent detonation takes down as many of the enemy as possible. Just a little closer and…

” Are you one, are you two, are you three, are you four?”

“Are you five, six, seven, or maybe more?”

“CBeebies wishes you a happy birthday with lots of birthday cards through your door.”

“Happy Birthday!”

It takes a moment for the reality to sink in and when it does I laugh out loud as I see Lily sitting next to me with the remote, a big grin etched on her face! I give her a kiss and laugh even more when I realise she’s switched the TV’s source input with the cable remote, something no one in the household even knows how to do (we all use the actual TV remote).

I flick the source back over but of course I know the outcome already; the Princess has destroyed him, his fearsome arsenal no match for the power of Cbeebies.

Ands that’s what it’s like when you get older. Some say your hand eye co-ordination goes but I retaliate with the fruit that is experience, experience born in real arcades and eventually nurtured at home. Ultimately it’s really all about time.

When you’re older you have less time to play, less time to practice and too many games to fill into too few slots. You ultimately become a digital whore; pimping yourself out to many whilst committing to none.

But I don’t envy those who look down on me from the height of the global scoreboards. My points may be less but in many ways they were harder to achieve and required a skill they have yet to need or learn.

Everyday I play and I fight and I strive to be the best Dad I can be. I’ve rescued the Princess more than them and I’ve unlocked far better achievements. Because every time my kids smile or laugh and every time I pick them back up I know I’m in the best adventure of them all.

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Red Mesa: Half Life style Crysis Mod.

You can now download and play Red Mesa; a Half Life inspired level for Crysis.

FPSBanana are now hosting it so what are you waiting for, grab your download here! You can also see some more screenshots by hitting read more below.

Red Mesa

Crysis Half Life Mod

Crysis meets Half Life

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Team Fortress 2 Beta Update Leaked on You Tube

One of Valve's beta testers has recently released footage of a beta update on You Tube. Guess that's the NDA broken then. Perhaps a Spy really is sapping Valve's sentry!


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10 years of Dreamcast; the 10 best games.

11 September 2009

Sega Dreamcast
Sega’s Dreamcast celebrated its 10th Birthday recently so this would seem the perfect time to take a look at ten of the Dreamcast’s best games.

The Dreamcast has always been something of a paradox; a superb gaming machine with great games that was somehow never truly loved until it was dead.

Despite its short life, the Dreamcast is blessed with a fine catalogue of games so picking ten is not going to easy! I’m sure your list may well differ from mine so please do let us know what you think.

Space Channel 5 (Sega/United Game Artists).
Space Channel 5 is a music rhythm game similar in many ways to Parappa the Rapper. Primarily taking control of the sexy Ulala (Space Channel 5’s reporter), you must dance and blast your way through the game in an attempt to beat the Morolians; an alien race forcing everyone to dance against their will.

Packed full of style and humor, the game very much has Mizuguchi’s (Rez/Lumines) style throughout and even Michael Jackson manages to cameo!

Space Channel 5

Samba De Amigo (Sega/Sonic Team).
Sonic Teams rhythm action game was in many ways the first sign of things to come in the shape of Nintendo’s Wii and it’s no coincidence that the game has also appeared on that platform.

The game came bundled with two hand held maracas which connected to a special sensor bar that plugged into the Dreamcast. Sensors in the bar and on the cords of the maracas could determine the exact position of the maracas when the player held them so if you were instructed to shake the maracas above your head, the software could tell if you doing so.

Samba is great fun to play (I still prefer the Dreamcast version to the Wii’s) and has loads of charm and character as you’d expect from a Sonic Team title. A great family/party game that was rarely put away in our household. It’s just a shame that obtaining the original game with Sega’s maracas is such an expensive affair these days.

Samba De Amigo

Street Fighter III: Third Strike (Capcom).
Capcom’s conversion of their arcade hit is not only one of the Dreamcast's best fighting games; it’s also one of the best Street Fighter games ever. In fact many people still put this game up as THE best Street Fighter game. The Dreamcast played host to the first home version of the game and it is wonderful to play in every respect.

Street Fighter III 3rd Strike

Crazy Taxi (Sega/Hitmaker)
The Dreamcast played host to many of Sega’s arcade game conversions, and Crazy Taxi was one of these which I simply could not put down.

The style, the music (by The Offspring and Bad Religion), the frantic game play (which involves tearing round a city transporting passengers to their destinations), everything about Crazy Taxi just screamed play me.

In many ways time hasn’t been kind to Crazy Taxi as a franchise due to lame ports and sequels, but the Dreamcast's original is still a joy to play and it suits the controls of the Dreamcast’s joypad perfectly.

Crazy Taxi

Skies of Arcadia (Sega/Overworks).
RPG’s were never in great supply on the Dreamcast, especially in the West where the only other RPG release of note was Grandia II.

Despite this lack of content for RPG fans, Sega still managed to deliver this superbly fresh RPG based on Sky Pirates. Using your airship to travel between islands which floated in the air, Skies of Arcadia was a supremely crafted adventure that managed to distinguish itself from its contemporaries and still feels fresh today.

Skies of Arcadia

Ikaruga (Treasure).
Only ever released in Japan on the Dreamcast; Ikaruga was Treasures spiritual sequel to its seminal ST-V arcade and Saturn shooter, Radiant Silvergun.

Ported over from the Dreamcast based Sega Naomi arcade hardware, Ikaruga blended manic shooting action with an almost puzzle like quality as players attempted to chain enemies of different colours by changing the polarity of the main craft.

Featuring beautiful graphics and masterful game play, Ikaruga quickly became one of the Dreamcast’s most imported games. Whilst both the later Gamecube and XBLA conversions are very good, many will argue (myself included) that the best home experience of Ikaruga remains on Dreamcast.


Shenmue (Sega/AM2).
Produced and directed by Sega legend Yu Suzuki (Out Run/Virtua Fighter), Shenmue was probably Sega’s most ambitious Dreamcast game.

The game aimed to give the player total interactivity set in a world that tried to mimic real life as much as possible with its simulation of time, weather and interactivity. It’s not an easy game to get into but its worth the effort as the player is rewarded with a world quite like any other produced at the time and graphics that really did push the Dreamcast.

Shenmue’s budget and ambition was huge and this is reflected in every aspect of the game. A classic.


Jet Set Radio (Sega/Smilebit).
In many ways the Dreamcast showcased Sega at its creative best. Much like Shenmue, Jet Set Radio showcased Sega’s creative talent at its very best.

The game pioneered cel-shaded graphics and its style was completely unique at the time. The games premise centre’s around roller blading graffiti gangs in Tokyo; the player skating round avoiding trouble, racing and tagging various objects.

On paper Jet Set Radio shouldn’t be my type of game and yet it is an utter joy to play and still unique in its blend of style and game play. It also spawned a superb sequel called Jet Set Radio Future (one of my favorite games of all time) which was released on Microsoft’s Xbox console and both games feature superb soundtracks (the soundtrack to JSRF is the only game soundtrack I have ever brought!).

Jet Set Radio

Soul Calibur (Namco).
To this day I’ll never understand why Soul Calibur, a launch title for the Dreamcast, never propelled sales of the console into the stratosphere. Was it the poor marketing by Sega? Perhaps people never really saw it promoted? Whatever it was, this game should have shown the masses what the Dreamcast was truly capable of.

At the time, Soul Calibur looked simply amazing (and to be fair it still does) and it played beautifully. Had this been put next to a Playstation running Tekken in stores up and down the country, the Dreamcast may have had a different fate

The game came with a VGA option and using this option produced mind blowingly sharp visuals. So good that I still play this today Soul Calibur is a masterful piece of programming by Namco.

Rez (Sega/United Game Artists).
Ok, ok – this is a biased choice! Rez is one of my favorite games ever and I’ll play Mizuguchi’s hypnotic masterpiece as long as I’m still a gamer. Probably beyond that if it’s possible!

At its most basic Rez is simply an on-rails shooter; you move the firing reticule around the screen and shoot enemies. You can collect upgrades that allow your character (essentially a hacker avatar) to evolve (take more hits) and power ups that temporarily take out all the enemies for you, kind of like an auto pilot. And that’s it, that's literally is all you do.

But of course Rez is so much more. The sound effects (for example when an enemy is destroyed) are essentially portions of electronic music; string together a few kills and your ears will be greeted by the sounds of drums and trills which blend in with the games ever evolving beat.

The visuals are striking and unique, somewhat a cross between a game and a music visualizer. Each part of Rez, the visuals, the music, the sound; blends in together to form part of a truly hypnotic and mesmerizing experience.

It’s not an easy game to describe, and at its core it is simplistic. But sit yourself in a darkened room, turn up the volume and let your mind immerse itself in its vibrant world and you’ll find a gaming experience quite like any other.


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