Crash Course suffers Crash Landing.

30 September 2009

Left 4 Dead Crash Course
Left 4 Dead’s latest update Crash Course arrived yesterday, but despite Valve’s best efforts it seems to have plagued the game with numerous issues.

Servers went missing, many users were reporting pings in excess of 500 and the achievements don’t seem to be working very well either, with many either not activating or disappearing after they have been earnt. The map itself also has its fair share of bugs.

Valve also decided eradicate the server variable mp_gamemode and replace it with sv_gametype. This change alone managed to break a fair few servers (including our own 22g servers – the change managed to completely bork our campaign menu).

All this is a real shame because at its core the Crash Course campaign is a great piece of mapping and does provide an ideal 30 minute Versus environment.

Still I’m sure Valve is working on it and I’m looking forward to playing with some more once the various issues are ironed out.

And don’t forget until October the 2nd you can grab the PC edition of Left 4 Dead from Steam for half the normal price (£12.49), or even grab four copies for £37.49 if your mates need a bit of encouragement to join you!

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