(Xbox 360) Cave to test overseas interest - Mushihimesama Futari 1.5 will be region free.

1 October 2009

Mushihimesama Futari for 360
Japanese manic shooter specialist Cave has announced that their upcoming shooter Mushihime-sama Futari Version 1.5 will be released region free on the Xbox 360.

The move follows extensive requests from Cave fans globally who miss out on many of Caves conversions due to the titles being region locked and a lack of publishers outside of Japan interested in localizing the games.

The game will be released in Japan on November 26th and you can pre-order your copy from Play Asia right now.

If enough people pre-order the game, there’s a good chance Cave may re-consider their region locking policy permanently (ESPGaluda II anyone?) and it’s even possible we may also see region free re-releases of games such as Death Smiles and DDP DOJ.

Mushi will be region free.

Alongside the regular release there will also be a limited edition which will include the OST and you will also be able to buy a limited edition Arcade Stick if you’re feeling particularly flush!
Mushihimesama Arcade Stick

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Shimmy said...

Nice! They should remove all this region locked crap!most consoles are being rocked on HD tvs and it wont be hard for a console to output in either pal or ntsc. the ps3's no region lock games are a great idea. Dunno why the xbox and wii are still region locked..

[22g] Nana said...

Couldn't agree more; the whole concept of region locking in todays world is crazy.

I just hope the sales of Mushi are high enough that Cave (and others)do away with region locking for good. My pre-order is in ;)

It's hard being a shumup fan in Europe and the USA at times and removing the region locks would really make life a whole lot easier for many fans.

App Developers Gurgaon said...

What you're saying is completely true. I know that everybody must say the same thing, but I just think that you put it in a way that everyone can understand. I'm sure you'll reach so many people with what you've got to say.

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