PS3 isn’t the best games machine, but it is a great piece of kit.

19 August 2009

The current generation of consoles marked something of a departure for me. At any other time in my gaming life I have always brought all the new consoles at the point of (or very close to) their release dates. This time around however I’ve only just now completed the ‘set’ with our recent acquisition of an 80GB Playstation 3.

When the machine launched it was extremely expensive and given the lack of any real decent exclusive titles I decided to wait until there were some titles on the system I wanted to actually play.

Since then the PS3 has hardly set the world on fire with its games and thus I never really got round to making the purchase. A console should live and breathe in the quality of its games library and to date the PS3 has offered very little that isn’t already being done better on Microsoft’s winter heater.

Multi-format titles have on the whole been better on the 360 (The Orange Box debacle instantly springs to mind as does the more recent Ghostbusters ‘admission’ by Terminal Reality) and to date the exclusives generally have been more appealing (Halo series, Gears of War, PGR, GTA IV exclusive DLC).

Some developers such as Haze’s Free Radical have voiced complaints over the PS3 being difficult to code for, whilst heavy hitter Valve have gone one step further and simply refused full stop to code for the system. This decision alone means that PS3 owners may never get to experience the brilliance that is Left 4 Dead and potentially the up and coming (soon I hope!) Half Life 2: Episode 3.

I must admit that Uncharted: Drakes Fortune and Little Big Planet have both nearly persuaded me to part with my cash previously but unusually the sensible family man overruled the impulsive gamer’s heart.

It’s also worth noting that although I do not consider myself a ‘fan boy’, I do at times tend to think of Sony more negatively than the other two big hitters. This is mainly due to the impact Sony has had on Sega over the years; they are after all responsible for Sega’s exit from the hardware market, they killed the Dreamcast right? Well no, Sega unfortunately managed that all by themselves.

Sega failed to recognise the importance of 3D with the Saturn, produced a machine for the ‘hardcore’ (I prefer the term old skool mind you) and missed out on a whole new generation of ‘clubbing’ gamers.

They then produced the brilliant and pioneering Dreamcast, failed to market it so anyone really knew what it was and again produced old skool games. Now that’s great for someone like me but was hardly likely to entertain the newer (and by now much larger) gaming demographic.

Now you may well assume given so much negativity on my part and the minor bias towards all things blue and spiky that I’m simply writing here to bash Sony and its black monolith. But to my own surprise I’m actually writing to say how impressed with it I really am.

Whilst many will no doubt disagree, it’s not in this writer’s opinion the best out and out system for games, something I have covered enough above. It’s expensive (although at the time of writing there are numerous price cuts around due to the imminent arrival of the PS3 Slim) and very surprisingly the word Playstation is no longer synonymous to many with the phrase games console. Owning a Playstation isn’t the cool thing it was in the past.

Bizarrely we actually never really ‘paid’ for our PS3, it came ‘free’ with my partners new mobile phone contract (I’m holding off on renewing mine for the launch of the PSP Go!).

Our sole reason at the time for picking the PS3 as our freebie was that due to various circumstances we no longer had a DVD player in the main living room. Since the PS3 is both a DVD and Blu-ray player it seemed the obvious choice for us despite its gaming shortcomings.

What we never realised at the time was just how good the PS3 is at serving as our complete family entertainment centre. And it’s here that the PS3 really excels, it is because of this the PS3 sees use in our household every day and by several occupants.

We have our DVD and Blu-ray player for our films. We have a music centre which streams music from our PC effortlessly along with our photo and video collection. Then there’s Vidzone, essentially a free music video channel where you pick what plays. And of course there’s the games, finally Uncharted and Little Big Planet are getting my well deserved attention (Uncharted being the first game in ages that I’ve actually bothered to complete). Heck we can even surf the net with it during the television ad breaks.

Of course the 360 also has some media features of its own but they simply are not as well implemented.

The DVD player is DVD only and it’s intrusively noisy for a front room. The media streaming works to a point but it’s not as easy or as smooth as on the PS3. The music videos on Live are limited and have to be paid for. It can’t surf the internet and unless you own an Elite model the HDD is woefully small. And also, somehow, the 360 just doesn’t look like an entertainment centre. It looks like a games console; it looks out of place under my main TV.

My partner has never really touched a non-handheld games console before and yet with the PS3 she presents our photos to friends and family, pops music on in the morning to keep the kids quiet (our 1 year old daughter dives across her pen when the PS3 power button beeps because she loves to dance away to the videos) and even watches the odd film.

And so, it’s only now that I’ve come to realise that the old skool gamer in me has blinded me into ignoring this great machine.

No it’s not the best games console, the 360 is currently the choice here with its vast library and it’s excellent (though still annoyingly chargeable) Xbox Live. But it is a great all rounder, it serves the purpose Sony always said they wanted to serve, the central family hub of entertainment, the unseen box of tricks that quietly delivers all of your living room needs without you even realising it. And for that Sony should be applauded.

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Anonymous said...

This is simply absurd. Call yourself a fanboy or don't, I don't really care. But who are you to decide which games are better?! Games like Killzone 2, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, LittleBigPlanet, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot, Infamous and Motorstorm: Pacific Rift (as well as others) all excel in their genre and are all highly rated critically acclaimed games. If they aren't for you, that's fine. But you do not say they are better because that is COMPLETELY down to opinion when they are so highly rated on sites like Metacritic.

[22g] Nana said...

Thank you for your comment. Of course eveything in any review out there is just an opinion and this article just happens to be my own.

I am not at any point saying the PS3 doesn't have good games, just simply that they are sparse compared to the library (at present) the 360 has.

Metacritic whilst useful is widely regarded as flawed, check out

Anonymous said...

The PS3 game developers can play with 50GB of space on a single disk. This has not been done for any other console or even the pc with 50GB install.

The cut scenes are rendered ingame
and not CGI. Watch the first video if not the rest.

Uncharted 2 HD 720p

Heavy Rain HD

Killzone 2 HD

Metal Gear Solid 4

Shimmy said...
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Shimmy said...

Yeah I don't think the Ps3 is a great gaming machine either. It does have a great set of IPs, but over all it just seems like a rip off of features from other consoles. (trigger keys,motion sensing controller,game trophies) and that's only on the ps3 :D
I own both consoles and my xbox library is more colorful than my ps3 library. From the list you mentioned, MGS is excellent, and Little big planet. Infamous and prototype are clones. Killzone 2 is half life 2, gears of war and call of duty mixed in a blender. The sony claims they created the ultimate gaming machine and is touting the blue ray could hold more data to create more games yet, the graphic processor is equivalent to an old nvidia 7800. That was top of the range 4 generations back. PC games are being run at resolutions exceeding that of 1080p with AAx16 and AFx24 at crazy frame rates. yet all games come on one dual layer dvd. I still think it's overrated even the blue ray they are touting is slow selling. Ps3 is loosing grounds, franchises there were once ps only are multiplatform for a reason :D the ps3 is a bottle necked machine. No matter how hard devs try, the ps3 will never ever look better than a pc game, the ps3's evolution stopped the day it was produced, tweaks and software tricks will get you so far, when pcs are churning insane amount of data compared to what the measly ps3's gpu and cpu can do. It isn't what it is touted to be :D last thing, the biggest and most widespread gaming platform is the pc format and it hits the biggest audience. that's my 2 cents. Always know your roots boy,gaming was born on the pc,is made by the pc and will forever be dominated by the pc. Moore's law says so.

[22g] Nana said...

Ah the HD era - ironic that many games don't even run at 720p on consoles let alone 1080. COD4 and Halo are good examples.

Half the games you just posted are not out yet. My blog post is only taking into account games to date, not those yet to be released. I myself am very much looking forward to Uncharted 2 although I must say for me a cut scene is a cut scene because regardless of how its rendered as I am still not in control.

And Shimmy is right regarding PC hardware, none of the current consoles can compete in technical specs to a PC.

However I do suggest you maybe re-read the blog entry, it's not actually slating the PS3, its actually more about how much I like it.

It's also very much a blog about now, with future games releases and what with the new slim encouraging more buyers things could very much change.

For now though I stand by my original comments, games wise there is simply much more choice and quality on the 360.

Diet H2O said...

The PS3 is the only console I nearly bought! I wasn't so much interested in the games but rather the media capabilities of it - and here is where it clearly (still) represents value for money.

[22g] Nana said...

It's well worth it as a media machine, set up properly there's nothing out at the moment that's as cheap and offers so many easy to use functions.

mike said...

The exclusive 360 games are not really good quality. Also not exclusive to 360 cause most are on pc anyway. Name some good games on 360 that are only on 360, and has a score 9 or over on (like the ps3 games)
PS3 only games im getting in Oct2009/2010
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Uncharted 2
God of war 3
Heavy Rain
Gran Turismo 5
Syphon Filter
Twisted metal
EA games have said we can't push the 360 hardware anymore but we can for PS3.
The PS3 does have better graphics then 360 thats a fact. If you don't care about graphics maybe you should only play the last gen consoles hehe. :)
Console failure rate

Xbox 360 – 54.2%
Playstation 3 – 10.6%
Wii – 6.8%

Percentage of console owners who suffered a second hardware failure after the original repair.

Xbox 360 – 41.2%
Playstation 3 – 14.7%
Wii – 11%

Percentage of people who rate their customer service experience "very helpful"

Nintendo – 56.1%
Sony – 51.1%
Microsoft – 37.7%

Percentage of respondents whose friends have had console hardware failures.

Xbox 360 – 69.9%
Playstation 3 – 12.4%
Wii – 6%


[22g] Nana said...

Hi Mike and thanks for your comments :)

I would yet again like to point out the article is based on things as they are now so future releases which are of a completely unknown quality are not taken into account :)

Also again, this post isn't aimed at putting the PS3 down, I genuinely like mine :)

Graphics wise, from my own technical perspective the 360 actually has a more powerful GPU (ATi Xenos) than the PS3 (Nvidia RSX). Specifically the RSX doesn't have the unified shader architecture that Xenos does and this makes a huge difference and more than counters the extremely small clock speed advantage the RSX has.

Of course these details are not really relevant. As it stands, the vast majority (not all) of multi-platform games are looking a tad better on the 360. This of course may change but here and now that's the way it is. Does it matter? In all honesty no.

Games matter. And the library on 360 is currently bigger. The online community for gaming is also superior, there are more players meaning you are more likely to get a game and you are not reliant on publishers setting up their own servers. Heck, in Virtua Fighter 5 the PS3 didn't even have online play. Not having Valve delivering games for the system is also major blow.

I'll hedge one bet though. This Christmas exclusives won't matter. Becaue most console games will be playing Modern Warfare 2. :)

Anonymous said...

Again I feel the need to respond to these statements you're making. You say that the 360 has more good games but again this is >opinion<. And in my OPINION this is incorrect. Games like Uncharted, MGS4, LBP, Killzone 2 all outweigh games like Halo, Gears of War and Fable in quality, and even if we're talking quantity, how can you call a game an exclusive if its on a PC as well? No doubt Metacritic is flawed either, but it is currently the best way of gauging the "review community's" opinion on games (I'm talking of major games sites as well as magazines and NOT the general public).

I also fail to see how games so far unreleased are ignored. Why should games like Uncharted 2, Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain, R&C ACIT or MAG be ignored when their quality is evident. Is it maybe because (ironically) the 360's future gaming catalogue is tiny? OO we have.. Halo ODST.. Halo .. erm .. Fable 3? ... Forza 3.. erm ye you get the point. So much is revealed about these games I see no reason why they should not be used.

On a final note I question how you are NOT slating the PS3. Let me remind you the PS3 is a GAMES CONSOLE and then a multimedia player. Congratulations on having a great multimedia player but believe it or not you have an excellent gaming console. And denying that IS slating the PS3.

[22g] Nana said...

Thanks for your reply.

Well as I've already pointed out the whole point of a blogging is that it is people's opinions - no one is forcing you to read or agree with mine :)

The exclusive part is correct because those titles are exclusive in that they are not available on any other console.

Left 4 Dead is a great example since there are a huge amount of PS3 owners who would love to play that particular game and I feel genuinely sorry for them that they can't (unless they are multi-format users).

Metacritic is far from the best way to gauge opinion since it is far too skewed in favour of poor commercialist games journalism. The quality review sites/magazines contained in Metacritic are sadly few.

One point of note; reviewer Jeff Gerstmann was fired from the gaming news site Gamespot for giving the co-op action title Kane and Lynch a low score. Many of the gaming rags give way too high scores especially if they grab an exclusive preview/review or have significant advertising revenue coming in.

For the (third?) time, games unreleased are ignored because a) the article takes into account things as they are now and b) absolutely no one knows the quality of games not yet released. If you do happen to then I suggest you contact some of the various games magazines and offer to a do a review because they would I'm sure love the World Exclusive on many of those titles.

The PS3 is a great multimedia unit and Sony has always said that they wanted to create a unit that became the central hub of living room entertainment. In many ways I think they have achieved that.

The general non-biased gaming community and journalists currently agree that the 360 has a more diverse library than the PS3. But as I have already pointed out several times this may well change in the not too distant future and the PS3 does have some truly great games, just not (at this time) as many as the 360.

Its worth noting that although I game on all of the current systems, my own platform of choice is the PC which outstrips them all in terms of power, graphics and games but comparing a PC to a console is rather unfair, in many ways they occupy a different and certainly more specialist end of the market compared to consoles.

However that is a bit off topic, the blog is just opinion, you disagree and that is fine, at the end of the day regardless what you use, its really all about the games and making friends.

Shimmy said...

I think he works for Sony. Single platform fan boys do get annoying, at the end of the day,it's a video game, go play it and enjoy it, and the xbox is better... nuff said hahahah!

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