Playfire - Facebook for Gamers.

17 August 2009

I have to say it, Playfire has certainly impressed me!

It was quite odd how I found the site in many ways; we had a thread active on my clan forum over at 22g discussing things we would like to see in the future of gaming.One of the things that came up was the idea of a website that collected all of your player data across all of your formats (XBL, PSN, Steam etc) and then lo and behold we discover Playfire!

Hopefully the Steam integration will get better (achievements, direct link to profile etc) and to this end I have already used the feedback option to suggest this and been informed that they have added this to their 'to do' list. I have to say as well it was nice that one of the co-founders of the site got back to me regarding my suggestion so quickly.

For those who have yet to check it out, Playfire is a Facebook type social space designed especially for gamers. Within your Playfire profile you can display both the games you have played and owned (with ratings/mini-reviews), microblog and link up to your PSN and XBL accounts. Instant chat, user made groups, game forums and much more are also present so be sure to check it out.

For those wondering about the Steam Community Network I recently founded on Playfire, it is simply an effort to bring those Steam users on Playfire together. I noted that there was no Steam related group on there so rather than sit back and wait I got a bit pro-active and made one! Hopefully it will take off and people will enjoy taking part. Thanks to all those who have joined so far.

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