PS3's new motion controller will make Wii ports possible.

17 September 2009

Sony PS3 Motion Control
According to Capcom producer Jun Takeuchi, developers in Japan are extremely impressed with Sony's new motion controller; so much so that they feel it will be quite easy to port over existing titles from Nintendo's Wii.

This could mean that come the launch of the new controller, we will see an influx of Wii ports to the PS3. Of course this could be a double edged sword for Sony; on the one hand they will gain an extended software library and be able to boast that there’s no longer anything unique about the Wii.

However does Sony really want a load of ports from the Wii which potentially could have sub-standard graphics even if they are spruced up? And is there really anything that good on the Wii (motion control wise) that doesn't come from Nintendo itself?

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r4 software said...

Then do not buy the games you already have. It would not make sense buying a music CD just to download it off the internets? Same concept. only buy the games you dont already have that you've always wanted or broke for whatever reason.

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