Konami's Zombie Apocalypse lands on XBLA and PSN next week.

18 September 2009

Zombie Apocalypse
If there are two things we like here at Paradox; its shooters and Zombies! So the news that Konami's twin stick shooter Zombie Apocalypse hits both PSN and XBLA next week (September 23rd) has left us scurrying for our wallets in anticipation of yet more undead extermination.

Developed by Nihilistic, the overhead twin stick shooter (yes, another one!) promises plenty of frantic action in what looks to be Left 4 Dead meets Smash TV, and lets face it, how can that be anything other than great!

The game will be priced at 800 MS points and £7.99 on PSN ($9.99 for US customers) and can be played by up to four players.

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Anonymous said...

Awesome! day 1 purchase!

Shimmy said...

It's a very nice game to sit and unwind after a long stressful day. The carnage is awesome!

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